Why Should You Gain Reading Habbit?

Kemal Emrah ŞAHİN
3 min readJan 19, 2022

What will I gain if I read?

I started a book reading marathon in December 2017 and thanks to this marathon, my life has changed a lot.

This is the most curious subject of many people who have not gained the habit of reading books.

The question: If I gain the habit of reading, will anything change in my life?

Since I gained the habit of reading books after the age of 29, I had the chance to experience this one-on-one. Now I try to explain this to young people at every opportunity. Because one of the things I say “I wish I had started when I was young” the most in my life is to gain the habit of reading books.

Since December 2017, I have had the opportunity to read more than 160 books in total. Believe me, my mind is still on books that I couldn’t read yet.

So, what changed the habit of reading books for me? What benefits can it have in your life?

My Focus Level Has Increased

After I got into the habit of reading books, my ability to concentrate increased.

The biggest problem in my life was that I couldn’t focus my attention on a subject even in classes and even in exams. I was constantly losing attention.

Now I am in worklife and I can work in a much more focused.

My Vocabulary Has Expanded

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest effects of reading books is the expansion of vocabulary. This indicates that your intellectual level is higher in conversations with other people.

I Learned to Spend Quality Time

There are two different ways to spend quality time. One is to produce and the other is to develop. If you want to improve, you must acquire the habit of reading books.

A person collects his whole life, experience and research in a book and sells it to you for an average of 20 dollars. I think even this is enough to gain the habit of reading books.

I Express Myself Better

As my reading habit progressed, I started to make better sentences and express myself in a good way. This way of expression makes itself felt prominently in both spoken and written language.

I see the effects of this clearly in my business life. Ability to express myself better shows that I am superior to my competitors, both in my current job and in job interviews.

Knowledge is Expanding

Especially reading non-fiction books has serious effects on one’s knowledge. With your expanding knowledge, you draw attention in the social environments you are in both in your business and private life.

My self-confidence has increased

As I was able to express myself more, my self-confidence increased. While I used to be more of a shy person, I’m now starting to have the confidence to speak in public.

My imagination expanded

Reading fiction books has enhancing effects on human imagination. I am fascinated by the universes that people imagine, especially when reading science fiction and fantasy.

Reading a book is kind of like diving into the world of the metaverse. You enter a different land, you take a stroll there and come.

I Experience Less Stress

According to research, reading a book for 6 minutes reduces stress by more than 60%.

I Deal with People Less

Believe me, the fewer people, the less problems. Sociality is, of course, an evolutionarily necessary process that must be in a person’s life. But as you read a book, you get away from people, and you realize how stale tastes many people around you have.

This inevitably brings quality sociability and you meet fewer people.

Most Importantly, I Had The Ability to Write

Before I got into the habit of reading books, I hated reading and writing. As my vocabulary expanded and I made better sentences, I realized that I could write.

Moreover, I have turned this into an additional income source for myself and now I am earning additional income by writing in some of my remaining time from work.

These are all my own experiences. If you have any ideas about this, can you share them with me?

